Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lent - a time of letting go . . .

It's quite a shock to walk into my church on Ash Wednesday.

In the place of silver and brass, there is wrought iron. The wrought iron candlesticks with their simple pillar candles are beautiful in their own way.

When I was young, I thought Lent was "so depressing". Now, I'm learning to appreciate the time to stop and reflect.

My pastor sends a "mid-week musings" e-mail. In the e-mail, he encourages us to share the message with our friends.

Today, he said, in part .... " Lent is not so much about giving up or taking on as it is a season of letting go. Letting go of our pride, our fear, our sins and our prejudices in order that we make room in the deep recesses of our souls for Jesus Christ through the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit."

This Lent, I want to make room.............. as in the old hymn: "Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, there is room in my heart for Thee."

It's Lent. It's time to quiet my mind, and open my heart.


ROBERTA said...

I appreciated what your pastor had to say about "letting go"....why is that always the thing that we don't want to do!!!!

Ruth said...

Very wise words to remember at this season. Thanks for sharing.

Evelyn said...

It is so scary to let go! Sometimes I feel like I'm being asked to jump from an airplane into thin air! No matter how uncomfortable the airplane, it's still hard to jump!

Thank you for stopping by, Roberta and Ruth!

Crimson Rambler said...

Hello Evelyn! Thanks for dropping by my blog!
and thank you for passing along the wise words on Lenten discipline!