Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Signs of new life

I've been in the "waiting" mode lately. I haven't really been sure WHAT to write, so this blog has been bemoaning Father's Day for almost a month now.

One of my favorite quotes is "Be still, and know that I am God". That's what I've been doing this past month, helped along by a hurt knee! It's amazing how, now that I'm FIFTY years young, I can simply walk down some steps, hear a pop, and be in for 2 weeks of increasing pain! My knee is better now..... but it will be a LONG while before I think about wearing heels again!

I've started attending a Spanish class, and I'm actually excited about it! I studied Spanish in Jr. High and High School, and I just loved the language. I dreamed of being a translator (back then my dream was at the United Nations!), and I've got an inkling that perhaps there will be a way for me to live that dream on a smaller scale in the future. WOW!

I've spent so many years just "watching life happen TO me", that actually thinking about a dream is a HUGE sign of new life for me.

Imagine that........ this feels like a little miracle.


Caffeinated Weka said...

I am also "waiting" right now, although I'm not sure what for either. Being out of action with a bad back has slightly helped and hindered the situation; it has certainly allowed me lots of time for reflection, just like I imagine your injured knee has given you.

Jayne said...

Good for you Evelyn! We are never too young or too old to learn and recreate a new life for ourselves. I think it's wonderful that you are following a passion. So sorry to hear about the knee, but am happy it's on the mend. You go girl! (without the heels of course) :c)

Debbie F. said...

Hi Evelyn,

Hola! Mucho suerte en su espanol! That's great! I've always had this fantasy of being one of those people who are fluent in several languages, sought out by the UN, by police departments who need translators to solve crimes, etc.

You never know what the future holds - keep up the dream!

Yes, stuff starts to happen to our bodies in our 50s. I have to be extra careful to stretch, wear "sensible" shoes, and ice my knees when they've had too much.
Another reason to take good care of ourselves.


ROBERTA said...

thanks for visiting today....i read this post and smiled as i thought of the trapeze...and you in mid-air...waiting, and dreaming of the life to come. what do they say? a journey of 1000 miles begins with one small step....